What We Do

Eye Care Service You Can Trust

We Offer a Diverse Set of Medical & Surgical Eye Care Solutions

Comprehensive Eye Exams
Comprehensive Eye Exams
Early detection of problems can reduce the risk of further harm and allow for a choice of treatment options. Using state-of-the-art equipment and expert diagnostic skills, we regularly screen for diseases such as glaucoma, diabetic retinopathy and macular degeneration, which can develop without any noticeable symptoms.
Cataract Refractive Surgery
Cataract Refractive Surgery
Cataracts generally form as we get older, causing a cloudy film over the eye. Kentucky Eye Center specializes in cataract surgery, including standard intraocular lens implants (IOL) as well as premium lens implants (Multifocal and toric). Patients who wear contact lenses must stop wearing their contacts 2 weeks prior to their appointment.
Glaucoma Treatment
Glaucoma Treatment
Glaucoma is a disease related to a build-up of pressure within the eye that can damage the optic nerve, which carries the images you see through your eyes to the brain. If glaucoma is untreated, it can lead to permanent damage to vision. Initially it can occur without any noticeable symptoms.
Diabetic Exams
Diabetic Exams
The American Diabetes Association (ADA) recommends that patients with type 1 and type 2 diabetes have yearly ophthalmic eye exams. An eye exam will help the doctor determine if you have any signs of retinopathy and how to manage it from progressing.
Ocular Surface Disease
Ocular Surface Disease
Ocular surface disease indicates damage to the surface layers of the eye, namely the cornea and conjunctiva. Ocular surface disease includes but is not limited to dry eye syndrome, meibomian gland dysfunction, blepharitis and conjunctivitis.
Retinal Disorders
Retinal Disorders
The retina is the light-sensitive layer of tissue at the back of the eyeball. Images that come through the eye's lens are focused on the retina. The retina then converts these images to electric signals and sends them along the optic nerve to the brain. Kentucky Eye Center treats and manages retinal disorders macular degeneration, vitreous opacities, diabetic retinopathy.

Contacts & Glasses

Glasses and contacts are used to correct refractive errors and help patients see to their best visual acuity. Kentucky Eye Center offers contact fittings and follow ups as well as a full service glasses dispensary.

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